It was such an honor to get invited to this meet to compete with the best from around the world. Meets are boring enough to watch in person let alone read about them; so here’s a quick rundown:
I was actually excited for this trip because I hadn’t been overseas since I was a kid but then I passed first class into economy and quickly realized this is gonna be the longest flight ever. Of course every time you go anywhere you either sit next to the talker or the arm rest hog (side note: establish arm rest dominance from the get go). The first 12 hours I sat next to the talker who spent the majority of the flight wanting to measure my biceps against his (guys are so effin weird) and insisting I was really Muslim and proceeded to teach me Arabic. I then had a short 7 hour layover and then another 10 hour flight to South Africa. All I wanted to do when I got to the hotel is shower. Two days in the same clothes is not a pretty sight.
Weighed in lighter than I wanted but still made 7/9 lifts with a 776 total, 3rd in Bench and 3rd in deads at 109lbs BW (same day weigh-ins). Again another huge thank you to the team coaches and Matt and Siouxz Gary for all the help behind the scenes.
Side note: team USA open women took 1st!
Things I’d do differently competing internationally are:
- PACK MORE FOOD-yes I took food but it wasn’t stuff I eat on the day to day. I wanted to get through customs so everything had to be packaged, but I should’ve taken foods I could choke down without gagging; those tuna packets are AWFUL.
- Expect the unexpected: you’re not in your gym, on your equipment taking lifts when you feel ready . Warm-ups were in a tent with heating lamps at this meet and thankfully it was warm that day. This can throw off your game plan, I know for me I decided to lower all my openers to make sure I stayed in the game.
- Put your passport somewhere safe: I went into panic mode when I couldn’t find mine the day of my flight home. Thankfully it got lost in the abyss that is my purse.
- Pack a change of clothes for the flight. Seriously wearing the same thing for 2 days was awful, but I did have a toothbrush and toothpaste so at least my breath was awesome.
- Take a dozen more packs of tic tacs they didn’t have tic tacs there!
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