Meet Day Wrap up: Nerves,Food & Power Tools!

2012 USAPL SoCAl Regionals


This was my redemption meet.  Coming off of red lighting all three squat attempts at nationals and bombing out I had to finish a meet this year and at least get a total. That being said it totally sucks that you have to squat first.   Everyone tells me not to worry and it's just like lifting in the gym. NO it's not, I'm effin hungry, wearing a god awful wrestling singlet, and I'm nervous as shit.  Waiting on that first squat attempt is torture and my blood pressure is prbly at stroke levels while my heart is beating like crazy…



Thank God I had my daughter in the back warm up area with me to distract me some.  Hard to be nervous when you are forced to pick between marrying Justin Bieber or one of the boys from One Direction( I chose the more manlier boy from One Direction as did my daughter…such a proud moment).


C'mon if you HAD to choose one???? (dark haired one with the sweater on is the manliest IMO)!





I chose not to leave the venue after weigh-ins because parking cost $18.00.  The cheap ass in me prevailed and I ate my Turkey sandwich, Doritos and drank a shit ton of pedialyte.  I'm not sure how much weight I gained back (weighed in at 110lbs), prbly a measly pound but the sodium in the Doritos forced me to loosen a notch in my belt because it felt uncomfortably tight.  Note to self, carry a screw driver in the future! Thankfully they had a power tool in the back and Dawn Gonzales (fellow competitor) had more Home Depot knowledge and a stack of pancakes in her to help me work it. I couldn't get the damn thing outta reverse and the screws wouldn't tighten…..I'm really not stupid-maybe I just needed more food! On a side note, Dawn, if you don't pass the bar a construction job could be in your future 🙂

I Need to get better at packing better food, I always just assume there will be a pancake house around the corner and being the freak I am about being on time and fear of missing something I hate going too far outta the way. Also, still wondering why Dawn didn't bring me back some damn pancakes??? 


My clique RULES

All in all it was a great meet.  Super proud of my kids for getting up at 5 a.m and behaving the entire time.  So awesome to hear your kids cheering for you and bragging about you the next day.  The meet was split into two sessions which was great, because it didn't last as long and we were done by around 1:30 p.m.. I think if it had gone any longer they would've acted like the monsters I know and love. Super big thank you as always to Eddie, he wakes early, cheers for me, wrangles in the kids and said his back felt like he deadlifted more than anyone because the chairs were so damn hard-HAHA- sorry bout your spine!! Last but not least thanks to Ashman Strength System for programming my main lifts for me over the last few months.  Maybe one day I'll turn over my accessory stuff to you too…but you know I love my bodybuilding routine!!


Meet Video…went 9 for 9 with no red lights and a 792 Raw Total in the 114lb class.




Whats next?  Back to the grind…I have bigger numbers I want to hit! I know I am capable of the elusive 315lb squat.  Time to get back to WORK and get STRONGER.

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