BW: 116
I’m beginning to really love upper days. Bench is one of those things that doesn’t intimidate me and I have always had really good upper body strength ( thank you gymnastics)! However, the worst thing ever is being under time constraints when training, especially on a 10 rpe day. I had about 45 minutes to get done because my lids didn’t have school (again) and they had to be picked up from the sitter at a certain time…..oh the ole days when you could just leave them in the car alone. Lol
So here’s what I did..
Touch and go bench x2 @10 rpe
Bar x10
175×2 super estatic about this…first rep felt easy and although I struggled on the 2nd the bar kept moving. American record here I come!!!
Drop 145×10- holy chest pump…wish this made the boobs grow.
Incline DB Press x8 @9 5% drop
Single arm Db skull crushers
Straight arm lat pull downs
80×12 x3 sets
Wide grip pull ups
Bw x10 x 3 sets (third set was some serious partials)
Ok so my bench is steadily improving and I’m sure it’s the programming but I’ve also been doing daily handstand work so a part of me is wondering if this is also contributing to shoulder strength/flexibility thus increasing bench numbers….maybe I just miss being a gymnast and feeling “athletic” haha
Handstanding errwhere! This was at a car garage…yes I have issues.