I HATE when clients quit on me, especially after only a few sessions. It‘s the nature of the business and as long as I know I have done my all there’s not much I can do about it. You can usually spot these clients from the first meeting; but you hope for the best, educate, motivate and make every session count. The ones that do quit ALWAYS have an excuse:
· I’m just not seeing results quick enough (this cracks me up when it’s only 2 weeks in-it’s a MARATHON people not a sprint)
· I have SO much stress with work and family that I just can’t fit this into my schedule at this time
· I’ve been re-budgeting and I really can’t afford this right now
· I think I want to lose 20lbs first THEN start weight training again (WTF r u KIDDING ME)!!
Economics 101 for your physique goals: Physiconomics
Need– something you have to have to survive…a necessity
Want -something you would like to have
More often than not we put our physique goals in the want category….you see this every New Years with the resolutioners. The list of wants is plenty:
· I want to lose ten pounds
· I want to be leaner
· I want to get stronger
· I want to eat better and feel healthier
· I just want to look good
· I want abs (my personal favorite-want abs but also don’t want to food prep and eat fast food everyday)
The list goes on and on……
The problem is these wants rarely comes to fruition. WHY? Because it’s a ““would be nice to have” but it is not a priority. What would happen if you transferred that want into the NEED category in your life? Chances are it would become a priority. Why? Because NEEDS get taken care of. Needs take precedent and no matter what you have to do you will make damn sure those needs are met.
Let’s take our cell phones as an example. This is our life line, how we stay connected, interact and for some do business. I have seen some broke fools do WHATEVER it takes to make sure that bill gets paid. They will pawn shit, borrow, or skip a meal to keep that phone on. It’s a NECESSITY for them to function!! Why isn’t your health and your outward appearance just as important as your cell phone? Those selfie pics would look a lot more impressive if they weren’t always just of your face…HA.
Change your thinking
You shouldn’t want to lose to pounds or be leaner etc etc…instead you NEED to lose 10 lbs, you NEED to be leaner. Now that it’s a necessity prioritize it so it happens. No more laziness no more wishing you looked different. No more quitting on your trainer (and more importantly yourself) dammit! DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE IT HAPPEN-this may mean your ass has to get up at 5 a.m. do to cardio….so set your alarm and take your lazy ass out of bed as if your life depended on it. Make it a habit- just as you do with eating, with paying your bills, with all those things in your life that you have deemed a necessity to function on a daily basis.