Kids are really great at being rude…I mean blunt, mine especially. Just yesterday in fact my son told me that I am old and should be dead soon. I am really hoping he didn’t have some sort of premonition, but just in case he knows something I don’t, I better stop saying what I am going to do and actually start doing it!
Life can get in the way of doing those things you envision yourself doing (or as you get older feeling like you should’ve already done). We can create a million excuses as to why now is not a good time, but is it ever a good time? Probably not-so before you kick the proverbial bucket you might as well make shit happen, because life is too short to not LIVE it.
Since this is my fitness blog, instead of getting all sappy with saving the world type of stuff here is my fitness bucket list –things I plan on making happen whether they be realistic or not!
And in no particular order of importance….
• Tough Mudder (my sister did it, loved it and I want to do one with her-she’s so awesome) hell maybe even get the season pass and hit them all up with her!
• Rock Climbing-just looks like fun (with ropes of course-I don’t want to die attempting my bucket list)
• Wipeout (yes the show-its kinda fitness related-but I need to learn to swim first)-Blaming my mom for not tossing me in the water as an infant
• Learn to Swim (I hate people that can freely dive into water-GREEN WITH ENVY)
• Compete again-but this time in a powerlifting meet (think I am totally capable of smashing some Raw Records)
• I want to be able to do a Manna hold (gymnastic strength move-hard as hell) google if you don’t know-AMAZINGLY difficult
• Run a marathon (yes completely unrealistic since I HATE running-but just wanna say I did one)
• Curtain dancing (because I LOVE cirque De Soleil and this looks fun as hell)
So I may add to the list as I think of more things I would like to do. In the meantime, I am going to stop holding myself back with a myriad of excuses. Like me, you may also be dead soon-What ‘s on your list????