Some days I need something other than water all day. At least water with a hint of some flavor. I used to be very addicted to Crystal Light. I loved the stuff and couldn’t drink water without my lemonade mix. However, it does contain artificial sweetners and I had made it a point to stay away from anything artificial.
When I was young all we drank growing up was tea. My mom grew mint leaves, so it was a cheap and healthier alternative to sodas and Kool-Aid. So, I decided to go back to my roots and find me some tasty tea leaves to boil. I came across this great green tea made by Lamill Coffee, called Mystic Green. It’s fairly cheap and I love it cold (in fact I really don’t like hot tea unless I am sick). If you have watched the news then you know about all the great benefits of green tea such as its cancer fighting benefits, lowering of cholestorol and my favorite…FAT BURNING! Aside from all that, it taste great and there is no need to sweeten it. So the next time you thrist and water just won’t quench it…don’t go for the soda or other sugary drink…try some tea.