I remember being in school and getting teased about my lips (cue sad violin music now) going home and listening to my mom tell me I am beautiful. My response always was…”you have to say that you are my mom.” I don’t think I or most people outgrow that sentiment-I mean if you are trying to lose weight, put on some muscle etc and those closest to you shower you with compliments it’s hard to take them serious. I mean your spouse is supposed to think you look fabulous at all times (I think that is in the vows somewhere- the wife is always RIGHT is another one)-take note fellas you’ve been told!
They are not Lying……hopefully
You see yourself EVERYDAY so it’s hard to see any sort of change especially when it can sometimes be a slow process. So if you are like me and need more concrete evidence of change (or maybe you just feel like you surround yourself with liars-ha) take PICTURES of yourself. Why pictures you ask:
1. You may own the Harry Potter Mirror- You know it shows you what you wanna see- you may be the type of person that is really hard on themselves and though you look great that mirror is reflecting something completely different. On the other hand, you may not be ready for those daisy dukes yet! Had you snapped a picture you could’ve really seen what you looked like from behind. I know a few people who own the skinny mirror….
2. Body fat measurements are great and I am not against them-BUT it means nothing for someone to tell you you’ve dropped a percentage if you don’t FEEL like you have. Why not do both? The day you take BF measurements snap a picture. The road from point A to point B will be worth documenting if not for yourself then as motivation for others! Case in point: Coley Ouellette-met her via twitter and I love her now. Check out her inspirational blog for some motivation here.
3. Isn’t that why the smart phone with the 10 mega pixel camera was invented? Take pics and share them with your twitter friends…they have no reason to lie to you!
You caught me I am a twitpic voyeur follow me @pumpnironpinup 😉