Am I done yet???

Sorry you will never be able to quit!!! Once you start on a journey to good health you can’t (I guess I should say, you shouldn’t) stop and why would you want to? Being in shape is journey that has no end destination, it is a life long commitment.

I know that some people don’t want to hear that….. I have clients who only have the goal of getting in shape in time for a vacation or for summer break. Sadly, they reach their goals only to revert back to old habits and previous weight gain. The common quote from all of them is, “once I reach my goal I can stop.” The problem with this statement is that you can’t just quit, there is no finish line in this race.
Fitness is like good one showers, does there hair and then says, “ok I look good now so I no longer need to shower.” Instead it is a routine that we all do every morning (at least I hope we all do). We should all look at fitness in the same manner-a daily routine that we incoporate into our lives. Does this mean you must hit the gym everday? Of course not, fitness can be a walk with the kids at night, a bike ride with the family, its about being active and living a balanced healthy lifestyle.
I am sure we have all tried out new hairstyles, different shampoos and toothpaste-look at your fitness routine in the same manner and try something NEW! Not only will you shock your body but you will break the monotony of the gym, have fun while doing it and not feel like you need to quit!

What active things other than the gym keep you on the fitness path?

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