Bench-Diet Changes and insomnia

I LOVE bench days…mainly cuz it seems like I never have a mental hang-up while doing it.  Admittedly, I was a little more tired today, relatives (male) stopped by the house on Saturday and of course I had to show off and out rep them on 135lb bench….yet another way to keep family away!

Add to that the addition of sleepless nights….. insomnia and clock watching are the worst. Of course, by the time you actually fall back to sleep it’s time to wake up. If this keeps up I’m gonna look like a walking dead cast member.

In other news, changing up my diet and in different post I’ll go in to further details but I am really loving the results and it’s only been 5 days in. Operation STRONG and SEXY in full effect! 


Touch n go bench 
Bar x many
175x3x2sets (2nd set was a slow, struggling 3rd rep, but damn I was only able to get 2 reps a few weeks ago and I weigh less now, so I am pleased)

3ct pause bench

Single arm db ohp

Chest supported rows
45lb plate x 12
55 x10x3 sets

Tricep push-downs

Dragon flags ala Bruce Lee
3 sets of 12 equals ab death

Of course this was taken first thing in the a.m. post cardio….pretty much the time they look the best. Think the diet changes are helping me tighten it up even more. So far happy with the results. Now let’s see if the weight keeps dropping like I’ve planned.


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