I hate being sick, but it’s one of those things that is inevitable, especially if you have kids! It seems as though I get sick right around the time I am making the biggest strides in the gym. I’m on top of my diet, cardio is actually a breeze and the fat is melting away and then…..BOOM…I wake up sick. Talk about bad timing, but should I keep pushing through and train?
According to Prevention it depends on what kind of illness you are battling. They suggest if symptoms are above the neck, such as a runny nose or sore throat, you are okay to train. However, if they are below the neck, such as chest congestion, flu or fever than you are better off holding off until these symptoms subside.
Of course you should listen to your body and only train if you feel up to it. If you are like me, I hate touching stuff when I see someone couging up a lung all over the gym equipment, so sometimes it’s best to think about those around you too and stay at home.
Sadly, I always seem to get chest colds, therefore, I end up being stuck at home for at least a week….UGH! That doesn’t mean that the diet has to go down the tubes, so if you find yourself on a forced gym vacation continue to eat right and enjoy the time out of the gym, you could catch up on some reading, that’s what I did 🙂
What do you do when you are sick and forced to be at home?