Lighting that fire from within-8 Ways to motivate yourself

The only motivation that will truly last is SELF MOTIVATION.  I can’t tell you how many times clients have complained to me about their stalled progress, or having “no motivation” to train or eat sensibly.  Unfortunately, as much as I would LOVE to give them some words of wisdom that will light a fire under their ass, that spark lasts but a moment and it’s back to business as usual; meaning NO CHANGE.

Our dreams are usually dashed by our own doing. Very rarely is it someone else’s fault.  If something doesn’t come to fruition it’s most likely because at some point you lacked that self motivation to get the job done.  The choices you make will either motivate you or they won’t. …make GOOD CHOICES!


  • Change your word association-Diet has such a negative meaning for most; It represents a denial of good food.  For me Diet means I will have the BEST BODY EVER!  Why wouldn’t I want to diet? Eat like shit-feel like shit-LOOK like shit!


  • Embrace problems or road blocks– True athletes love problems, why? Because all solutions begin with a problem.   How could we ever make progress or learn without there being a problem?! Problems are not a bad thing; they force us to BE BETTER! For instance my squat is in the shitter, no biggie, it’s forcing me to reach out to those that have an amazing squat, watch and analyze videos of THE BEST squatters out there.  How can this not make me more damn awesome?!


  • Have a plan-If you fail to plan you plan to fail.  The most successful people out there spend a little extra time making a plan -YOU DICTATE the outcome not the other way around.  


  • Write down what motivates you-nobody knows you like You, so write it down and look at it often.


  • Have kids-okay maybe don’t run out and get knocked up, but spend some time with kids (preferably under the age of 10) why? Because kids are amazingly CREATIVE, HONEST, CAREFREE and BIG DREAMERS.  They are still at an age where they don’t care what others think, they will dance in the street and they truly have that belief that ANYTHING is possible. That feeling is CONTAGIOUS- (act like an adult dream with that child-like belief-it’s magic).


  • Be an Optimist-Negative attracts negative and who the hell wants that.  No matter what is happening you make a conscious decision to determine how that will affect your mindset.  CHOOSE to look at every roadblock in a positive way.


  • Compete-nothing will drive you to be better at something than competing.  It truly pushes you to that next level.


  • Find a HERO– We all need someone to aspire to-I look at images DAILY to motivate me.  Some call it stalking I call it-self motivation. 🙂
how could this NOT motivate you???!!
how could this NOT motivate you???!! It simultaneously makes me want to train, eat right AND take my dog for walk


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