I’m pretty certain this day in age with all the technology out there most adults are well aware of Photoshop and altered images in pictures. People can debate whether this should be allowed or not but let’s face reality everyone likes looking at perfect bodies and unflawed skin. Advertising is built on attaining that “perfection.” I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing unless you start comparing yourself to these images. On the flip side, when images are unaltered here come the internet judges to magnify your every flaw. Damned if you do damned if you don’t…bring on the smoke and mirrors?
Perfectly Imperfect
I realize that when you put yourself out there via pictures or YouTube videos you open yourself up for criticism be it positive or negative. I think you have to have thick enough skin to let stuff roll off your back, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to some comments being hurtful, even if it’s only for a moment.

Some of the more colorful comments are:
-Eww you’re too muscular
-Is that a man?
-Gross she has stretch marks
-Her push-up form sucks
-Arm veins are masculine
-Her elbows are fucked up
We’re all human, we’re all flawed and we all have feelings….and obviously we all have opinions! For the record I have done photo shoots where I have been both airbrushed and not. I think either way it can be a double edged sword. On one hand, you look perfect in every way, but that is not reality and when people see you outside of that picture I’m pretty sure they are taken aback by how vastly different you look from the photo. Alternatively, when your imperfections are on display for the world to see people have no filter and will make you well aware of everything that is wrong….as if we all don’t already know what is flawed on our own bodies.

Photoshoot Realties:
- A hair and make-up artist is usually standard for most photographers-and when I say make-up I mean spackle

- It Takes 600 pictures to get 15 usable images (okay I’m guessing on this but yes, most times you are holding a pose FOREVER while they snap away and maybe get one good one out of the 20 snaps you heard them take.
- Posing is such that you look good-duh! This means if you’re short you do things to elongate the body, if you want to appear less muscular you don’t flex as hard. If you have a thick waist you angle your body in a certain way to give you the appearance of a streamlined physique. Arching your back makes your ass look bigger and who doesn’t want that!?
- Lighting and camera angles are also used to make a better image. Photographers are artists-they see things differently than most- they paint pictures with a lens.
- Most models know in advance they are doing a shoot-this means they prepare for it via a tighter diet, water loading, and spray tanning etc.
- Push-up bras make it all better-sports bras smash your boobs-so, yes, to get that amazing HELLO boobies look you have a push-up underneath (Not saying all do this-but a lot do-I know I do for shoots).
- Contrary to popular belief-It is not easy to hold a pose and look natural. There are plenty of face quivers and ugliness happening before you get that perfect image.
- Some photographers will retouch while others are staunchly against it-If you are against retouching of your images make sure you don’t take a shoot with one that does and vice versa.
- If you do not sign an agreement to have ownership of your pictures those images are not yours-so talk with the photographer beforehand and make sure you know what is going on and where those images will be used.
I’m not a professional fitness model but I’ve been lucky enough to shoot with some great people. Photo shoots are fun and I’m sure the photographers have a ton of stories of wardrobe malfunctions, posing mishaps and a ton of awful images that would make us cringe and say WTF is that even me?! I’m sure Tchalla Hawk has plenty of me looking like hell especially when we shot at the beach-can someone say scared as hell of the water!!
Ultimately, you must realize NO ONE is perfect and the image you are looking at may be altered. Keep that in mind as you flip through magazines and get down on yourself and your imperfections. I think a lil skin flaw here and there adds character and we could all use a little more of that!