Exercises Lifestyle

Setting goals and beating Personal Records-VIDEO

The best part about weight training is that your only competition is yourself. Every day you walk through those doors the only person that you need to impress is YOU.

That being said, I always set goals for myself, without them you are just spinning your wheels and have no real benchmark of where you have been versus where you are going.

Your goals may not be to lift 3 times your body weight-but whatever they are make them SMART goals (yes I was in sales before, but it works with weight training too dammit)!

• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Timely

I don’t think I need to explain this any further-this topic has been beat into the ground- you get the point-HAVE A GAME PLAN-and EXECUTE IT!

There is no better feeling then having a goal, busting your ass and finally achieving it.

So what are you waiting for set some PERSONAL RECORDS.

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