So WHAT are you on?!

Next to the” how much you bench” question is the” what supplements do you take” query. Sometimes I think people ask, assuming you take steroids and will tell them if they just inject this or pop that they will grow or get strong. For the record no I don’t do roids, but I’ll say what I have always said, roids won’t turn a Chihuahua into a pit-bull, you still have to WORK for it. Damn that four letter word! That being said here is what I do take… Protein Powder Currently I am taking Jem Lean Complex…Cookies n Cream flava. DELICIOUS. In the a.m I add a banana or peanut butter in the mix. Best part about this brand is it digests well and you do not get bloated off it. Downside is the price, it is nearly $100.00 for the tub. Thank God for Bret at Max Muscle for ALWAYS hooking a girl up!!! I pretty much live on shakes until about 1 p.m….before I get the negative comments this works for ME!!!! Pre-workout I have alternated between MP Assault and Gaspari Superpump. I like them both but like anything your body gets acclimated to it and I think you need to change it up. I am only on half a scoop of the MP assault, this stuff is STRONG and any more than ½ a scoop and I would be like a crack head looking for a fix. Also, the niacin flush at times unbearable. I add a scoop of creatine in the mix as well. Creatine is a new thing I started taking 2 months ago…will update you on my results with it. Green Apple is the bomb! Multi-Vitamin I use this fancy brand that has nano technology…..makes me feel like I’ve been assimilated by the borg (if you don’t get the reference you are clearly not nerdy or cool enough to hang with me)! Did I mention pits are badass and if you lift you should own one otherwise, you really don't take your training seriously!!

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