You know it’s going to be a mediocre training session when the bar feels heavy. Getting up extra early all the time doesn’t help, but I was just TIRED and the stupid pre-workout wasn’t working, not to mention I was out of tic tacs ( I know I should’ve just stayed in bed).
3ct pause squat @8 RPE
Bar x a ton
225×3 ( this was just so pathetic, the last rep felt like a 10 RPE, so I decided to drop back to 185 and at least feel like I wasn’t going to leave it on the pins and run outta there)
185x4x2 sets
Front squat @8.5 RPE
DB Split (Bulgarian) Lunges
40x8x2 sets (this was heavy and by the 2nd set I thought my glute was gonna explode; let’s just say they are sore as hell today)
Leg extensions with 3ct squeeze at top
70x12x3 sets
Single leg- Leg curl
25lb plate x10x3 sets
Bench jumps (this is where I just frog jump onto a bench since we don’t have boxes and I’m too lazy to stack the stepper)
26lb kettle x 8 x 3 sets
So I finish up and take my place on a nice comfy chair, looking all pathetic and shit, only for this guy (who I’ve affectionately named the A-Team) comes over and says:
a-team: Can I ask you something?
Me: sure
a-team: I saw you squatting and I was wondering can you flex your leg and let me touch me?
me: o…….k
I honestly didn’t know how to respond. Should I feel flattered or is he some kind of weirdo? But stupid me gets up and flexes my leg and lets him touch it. I suppose I should be glad it wasn’t a bench day and he didn’t ask to feel my pec. One can only wonder how I would’ve responded to that…apparently I have a hard time saying no.