
Training Log-Benching and DYING of heat.


BW-weighed in at 110 today-I really should be like 100 lbs considering I have no AC at the moment and have been suffering in a house that is currently sitting at 87 degrees of  HOT AS HELL. I don’t want to sound overly dramatic but ….

not kidding this is me but on the floor of my kitchen...
this is me but on the floor of my kitchen…


I don’t know how I ever lived without the luxury of an arctic palace.  I suppose I just can’t be pleased, if it’s below 70 I complain if it’s too hot I complain. Is it really just too much to ask for PERFECT MARISA WEATHER?!?! Hoping AC gets fixed by Wed or Friday so I can find something else to bitch about and not contemplate crawling into the freezer.

Pause Bench

Bar x many

95 x 6

135 x 4

155 x 3

165 x 2 x 3 sets (60 sec rest interval between sets)

Increased ~5% for a one rep touch n go

175 x 1


Close Grip Incline Bench

95 x 6

115 x 6

135 x 6

115 x 6


DB Floor Press

35 x 9

45 x 9

50 x 9

45 x 9

Single Arm Tricep Push downs

30 x 12 x 4 sets

Straight Arm Pull Downs

70 x 15

90 x 12

100 x 12 x 2 sets


Since I was running short on time as usual I did an all encompassing ab movement I call the 3 n 1-hits lats, abs n delts

25lb plate x 15 x 3 sets


pull over then crunch then OHP
pull over then crunch then OHP-then flex dem abs

Leg raises:side, middle, side 3 sets of 15

I was pretty pleased with my last set of 175 x1 especially after all the reps with 165.

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