
Lower: Deficit Deads

Training Log 3/22/13

BW: 113.5lbs (this was shocking considering I stopped drinking water for a few days…lol)

I love Bench and deadlift days….squat days not so much.  However, ever since I tore my ligament I dread deficit deads.  Seems to pull on my right leg more than usual and when I play back video I see weight shifts onto my left leg to compensate.  Not to mention I mentally get freaked out on the first pull.  BUT today was different and on the first pull I felt NO PAIN!!!  Could it be that it is almost completely healed??? It’s only been almost a year…shit I thought I was going to be in pain forever.

Deficit DL off Stepper:
285x3x2 sets So happy about this. This is the most I’ve done on a deficit and with NO ligament pain in my right leg!

DB Reverse Lunges :
45x8x2 sets
Snatch Grip RDL

135x8x4 sets

45 degree back extension

100 total reps
Kai green glute machine-My dream of a bigger n bigger n bigger ass (google if you don’t know…he uses the hamstring machine and it’s quite effective)

70x10x3 sets


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